Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Workout Buddies......

So it's a new year and I have decided that I really want to lose weight. My friend Kristen Kapele has started working out and ask if I would like to join her. We run/walk about three to two times a week. We have been working out for a month now and I can finally say that I have gone done one pant size already!! I still have a lot to go. But I'm going to do this I made a promise to myself and I'm going to do this. I just want to thank Kristen for letting me workout with you. I don't know what I would do without in my life. Thank-you for letting me workout with you and helping me lose weight. (Oh and getting my butt out of bed in the morning.) Let's keep up the good work girlfriend!!!


Kayla said...

GO YOU!! that is awesome! keep up the good work. I wish I was as dedicated as you. I try to go running a few times a week, but it's too freezing and the only time I can go is early morning or after work and it's already dark and i'm scared of creepers. haha So good for you. I wish it was warm here so it wouldn't be so hard! let us know your progress!!


Ahhh thanks wendi! We just have to keep it up!

Lehigrams said...

I am so proud of you Wendi, keep it up girl. You can do it. Remember, When all the steps required to lose weight feel too hard, just remember that it is equally difficult to live with it, say a quick prayer and keep a going.

Kelly said...

So awesome!!